Our bargaining committee met with the company on Wednesday, September 6th and Friday September 8th. Discussions between the two sides have taken place in a positive atmosphere. Talks have been productive, and the union has tabled almost all of our proposals.
The focus of our discussions over the two days of negotiation included internships, discrimination, compassionate care and bereavement leave, meal breaks, maternity leave, and job grading.
Here are highlights of the issues discussed:
Internships: Expanding language protections for interns including a higher weekly rate that the union will match
Discrimination: Amending the language to bring it in line with updated laws.
Compassionate Care and Bereavement Leave: Expanding the definition of family and continuing pension payments if members need to take compassionate care leave.
Meal Breaks: Updating language to make sure lunch and other breaks are given and properly covered off if needed.
Maternity Leave: Having pension payments continue for the 15 weeks during the SUB plan.
Job Grading: Regrading a couple of classifications as well as creating a new classification step in production.
Items we still have to discuss are enhanced layoff and independent contractor language, as well as salary increases.
We are working on scheduling the next bargaining session, and hope to have an agreement we can present to members soon.
We will keep you updated, and please do not hesitate to reach out to any one of us with questions.
In Solidarity,
Our bargaining committee:
Darren Gonsalves, CMG Acting Branch President
Mike Brown, CMG Branch Vice President
Tara Schaub, CMG Branch Secretary
Matt Douglas, CMG Staff Rep