On Monday we met with Rob Wright and Sheri Ellis to begin negotiations for a new collective agreement. This first meeting was primarily to discuss each side’s basic views on the negotiation process and to talk about our respective priorities.
In our role as representatives of employees in ZML’s television operations, we talked about our desire to see the company do well… but not at the cost of our members’ livelihood, health or dignity. Our primary objective is to negotiate an agreement that clearly sets out the rules that both sides agree to, and to ensure that workers are treated fairly and compensated reasonably for the work they do. Generally speaking, the Guild’s relationship with S-VOX has been quite positive and we intend to do our best to keep it that way.
Management pointed out that the former S-VOX operations are now part of a broader company with both unionized and non-unionized employees. As a private-sector employer, the company’s primary objective is to maximize profit for its investors. ZoomerMedia has ambitious plans for its television division and plans to grow.
Our shared goal over the coming weeks will be to bring those two viewpoints together as best we can. Both sides have presented their initial bargaining proposals. In some areas our ideas are fairly close, meaning that agreement on those issues should be relatively easy. On other issues, primarily those relating to money, we’re anticipating some tough discussions; we’re looking for fair compensation for the value our members create for the company.
Our next meeting with management is set for this coming Thursday, October 28, and we’ve already booked a number of days over the next couple of weeks, with more to come after that. We’ll send out reports periodically to keep you up-to-date on what’s going on.
Feel free to contact any of us if you have questions or comments.
Your bargaining team:
Matthew Duffy
Marie Lofranco
Rob VanSickle
Keith Maskell, CMG Staff Representative