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Guild members at APTN ratify new collective agreement

Canadian Media Guild members at the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network have ratified a new collective agreement. 87% of voters approved the deal. Here are the official numbers:

>b>Total ballots cast: 46

Yes: 40
No: 1
Challenged/rejected: 5

The count was conducted by CMG employees Keith Maskell and Glenn Seymour. Five ballots were rejected because it could not be confirmed that they came from members on the voters’ list.

You can read more about the highlights of the agreement by clicking here: http://www.cmg.ca/newsresults.asp?ID=1556&SubjectID=102&BranchID=8

Please contact staff reps Dan Oldfield (dan@cmg.ca) or Terri Monture (terri@cmg.ca) if you have any questions about the agreement.

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