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Help negotiate our next collective agreement at ZoomerMedia

It’s time to negotiate a new collective agreement with ZoomerMedia. We need two volunteers to join the Guild bargaining team!

The bargaining committee is responsible for all aspects of negotiations with Zoomer, including research, developing proposals, bargaining and communications with members. Under our collective agreement, three employees are released from work with pay to attend negotiation sessions together with CMG staff representatives Terri Monture and Karen Wirsig. We are looking for two volunteers to join Rob VanSickle, the Guild president at Zoomer.

You don’t need to have bargained a collective agreement before to apply. In our experience, the best approach is to gather together a group of people with a wide variety of skills and abilities.

Here are the main criteria:

– Team player
– Good communications skills
– Willing and able to reach out to Guild members to discuss issues
– Prepared to participate actively in planning for as well as bargaining with the employer
– Familiar with the workplace and the existing collective agreement and its application
– Able to do research and develop strategies
– Good note-taking

Negotiations will likely begin in September. If you are interested, please submit a letter no later than July 19, outlining why you want to join the committee and which skills and abilities you will bring to the team, to Terri Monture (terri@cmg.ca).

We will make the selection and announce the team soon after July 19. The bargaining committee will then survey members about your priorities for this round of negotiations. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to talk to one of us.

Your Guild executive at Zoomer:
Rob VanSickle
Matt Douglas
Laura Hutchinson

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