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Layoffs at ZoomerMedia

A mere six weeks after the takeover of the former S-VOX by ZoomerMedia Limited (ZML), the new owners have issued redundancy notices to 9 Guild members.

Rather than targeting or eliminating entire departments, as often occurs in post-merger job reductions, this round of job cuts is more across-the-board, with smaller cuts in multiple departments. In addition to the CMG positions, a number of non-unionized employees and managers were let go at the same time.

“It’s disappointing that the new ownership has decided to let people go so early in the relationship – even before officially saying ‘hello’ to employees”, says Guild branch president Robert VanSickle. “There aren’t many examples of companies that shrink to greatness. Rather than getting excited about the new opportunities that can come along with new ownership, those of us that are left are going to be nervous for quite a while, waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

The Guild is particularly concerned with the workload for the remaining employees. “We’ve made it very clear in our joint committee meetings that we’re going to be watching closely to make sure that people aren’t overworked. When positions are cut, the volume of work should be reduced accordingly. If we see that people have been pushed out the door unjustly, we’ll use every tool at our disposal to fix the situation,” says VanSickle. The Guild and ZML are slated to start negotiations on a new collective agreement this fall.

The CMG will work to ensure that the provisions of the collective agreement are properly and fairly applied to all affected employees.

For more information please contact CMG staff representative Keith Maskell at [email protected] .

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