Home / Workplace Directory / Canadian Media Guild / Meeting for Guild members at Shaw Media on November 15

Meeting for Guild members at Shaw Media on November 15

The Guild will be holding a meeting for all members at Shaw Media on Monday November 15 at 5:30 pm to share information and discuss issues related to the change in the company’s ownership. The meeting will be held at the Marriott Hotel at 90 Bloor St. East in the Rosedale Room.

The Guild has been in contact with human resources and has made several requests for a meeting with the new management this fall. We are still awaiting a response to these requests. We know that management has been meeting with employees and there are concerns about how any changes will affect our members.

We are working hard to get proper information and hope to have more details by November 15. In the meantime, here are a few things to remember:

– Our collective agreement is in effect and the new management is required to follow its terms and conditions. Everyone is in a stronger position when we bargain together instead of relying only on individual negotiations and the generosity of management.

– The company can improve pension and benefits for Guild members but is required to discuss any changes with us first. We have not been contacted by the company but would be happy to talk about it.

– The rates of compensation set out in the agreement are minimums, meaning that the company cannot pay less than those rates. Nothing stops the company from paying any or all of you above those rates.

– The collective agreement is up for renewal on April 30 of next year and we’ll be preparing to sit down with management to bargain the new agreement in the first part of the new year.

After months of uncertainty, we look forward to building a strong working relationship with Shaw Media that benefits both our members and the company.

We hope to see you at Monday’s meeting. If you have any questions or concerns before then, please contact Keith Maskell (keith@cmg.ca) at 416-591-5333.

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