Home / Workplace Directory / Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) / New vote to be held on management offer at APTN

New vote to be held on management offer at APTN

Over the past several days, your bargaining committee has reviewed the outcome of the vote on management’s last offer. We have come to the conclusion that a new vote is the most democratic method for determining the wishes of the members. A tie vote, while technically a vote against the employer’s offer, does not conclusively demonstrate the will of the members.

A clear message must be sent. A vote in favour of the offer means you accept management’s proposals for a new agreement. A vote against means you don’t.

If the management offer is rejected by a simple majority of the membership (50% plus one), the committee will serve the employer with 72 hours strike notice as required by the Labour Code.

Your bargaining committee is still not recommending the offer. It is our belief the company can and should improve its wage offer to at least the rate of inflation and industry standards. However, the ultimate decision is yours.

The proposal offers some minor improvements in contract language and includes a 2% increase in wages in each of five years. A new collective agreement would be retroactive to April 25, 2006.

Click here to see a full comparison of CMG’s bargaining goals and the management offer.

Voting will take place on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 between 9:30 am and 7pm Eastern Time and will be by telephone. Phone numbers and details will be provided shortly. We encourage all members to take part.

Your bargaining committee
Greg Taylor
Cheryl McKenzie
Bruce Spence
Dan Oldfield
Dan Zeidler

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