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No strike vote set for CBC – yet

The Canadian Media Guild has not yet set a date for a strike vote at the CBC because we want to give the conciliation process, which has just begun, the chance to succeed. The first substantial round of talks with the conciliator takes place next week.

The bargaining committee also wants the opportunity to evaluate what members have been telling them at meetings at CBC locations across the country this past week. The meetings continue early next week in Toronto and in the North.

We hope the CBC is as committed to conciliation as we are. They asked for this process and we urge them to use the resources now available to negotiate a deal.

Guild members will likely be asked to give their bargaining committee a mandate to take job action if a fair settlement cannot be reached with the Corporation after all avenues of negotiation have been exhausted.

The bargaining committee will soon decide whether a strike vote is necessary and when it should be held. We will inform all of our members immediately. Our objective remains to negotiate a fair collective agreement.

For more information, please contact the national office at 416-591-5333 or 1-800-465-4149.

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