We had three days of bargaining with Corus last week. All proposals have now been presented to the company and our discussions were productive. We have reached agreements on a number of issues and are getting down to tackling the main issue of the wage disparities throughout our bargaining unit.
Midnight Shift Differential: The company has agreed to add the night shift differential currently paid to Corus employees into the collective agreement. This means that all members will be entitled to this and that it cannot be taken away from us.
Grievance procedure: We’ve agreed on terms in an updated article on our grievance procedure. This article gives us the ability to ensure that our rights under the collective agreement are respected.
The bulk of the discussion focused on our wages and exchanging proposals for an equitable and fair wage structure that will harmonize the salaries of employees who worked for Corus before the merger with those of the employees who came over from Shaw. This discussion will continue at our next bargaining dates, which are set for mid-September.
In the meantime, your department reps will be following up with you to see if you have any questions about bargaining and to check in about your negotiation priorities.
CMG bargaining committee at Corus:
Carlos Cabezas – INR
Dan Ryan – INR
Josh Johnstone – Master Control
Alexa Smith – Master Control
Craig Jasman – Engineering
Paul Stilo – Engineering
Matt Douglas, CMG Staff Rep ([email protected])
Sean FitzPatrick, Legal counsel for CMG