Your bargaining committee is unanimously recommending acceptance of the Memorandum of Agreement that we reached with the company on April 27, 2015. Click here to read the memorandum of agreement.
Highlights of the deal include:
-3-year contract, with 2.75% increase in the first year, 2.4% in the second year, and 2.0% in the third year. By the end of this deal, people at top of scale in the Reporter/Photographer/Deskperson classification will be among the highest paid journalists in the country.Technicians and translators in our bargaining unit are also compensated above the top-end of the industry average for those roles.
-In the event of workforce adjustment for economic reasons, the company will have to give lay-off at the same rates that were originally negotiated for technological change.
-Language around paid holidays, expenses and reimbursement has been changed to reflect current company policies.
-We have agreed to continue to discuss with management Letter of Agreement #2 “On-Call” for reporters, but retain the ability to insist on remuneration for work done “on-call” as is already agreed to in the current Letter.
At the ratification meeting of May 15, members in the bureaus will be able to participate via conference call, and we will meet in person with members who wish to discuss the agreement at their leisure.
The electronic poll online will open at the end of the day on May 15, and remain open until May 18. You will need your membership number to access the online poll. We will send more instructions in an individualized email next week.
For more information, please contact Terri Monture [email protected] or call 1-800-465-4149.
Click this link: to share your home email address. You can also reply to this email with your home email address.
Your Bargaining Committee:
Julie Gordon [email protected]
Hyungwon Kang [email protected]
Alastair Sharp [email protected]
Terri Monture [email protected], Staff Representative