The vote to ratify the memorandum of agreement with the CBC will be held sometime between Thursday October 6 and Saturday October 8 in each location with more than ten members. Contact your location unit president or local lockout coordinator for details of the vote in your location. All CBC employees who are CMG members in good standing may vote. This means you must have signed a white CMG membership application card and, if you have not already, you will be able to do so at the polling booth.
People in locations with fewer than ten membres or in remote areas (including foreign correspondents) will vote using the automated telephone system and will need their nine-digit membership number. Please contact Elizabeth Northrop at as soon as possible if you do not have your number. Stay tuned to for more details on the telephone vote.
Please note that the telephone vote is meant to deal with necessity rather than convenience. Because of the tight timelines, we cannot accommodate members in larger locations who may have difficulties getting to their local polling station on the day of the vote.
Employees who will be away from their home location but present at another work location during voting days may vote at that location unit’s voting site. Their votes will be counted along with those of the location unit where they vote.
As each location unit is responsible for the conduct of its own vote, the location unit will determine what advance/proxy methods, if any, will be available.
You can find the full rules of the vote at “ . The results of the vote will be posted on the website on Sunday October 9.
For more information, please get in touch with your location president or lockout co-ordinator or with Keith Maskell ( of the national Guild office at 416-591-5333 or 1-800-465-4149.