The Canadian Media Guild is seeking proposals to create a new look for our national website. We are hoping to contract a qualified CMG member to lead the project and therefore this call for proposals is open only to our members.
Deadline for submissions : Monday April 10, 2006 (by 5 pm ET).
Send electronically to, re : website redesign proposal
Or by regular mail:
Attn : Website redesign committee
Canadian Media Guild
144 Front St. West, Suite 300
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2L7
Project Overview and Goals:
The Canadian Media Guild is seeking to update the look of our national bilingual website, The site is used by our 6,000 members from 9 different branches, our staff and the public. We seek a design that both reflects our role as a union representing media professionals and delivers a large amount of content in a clear and easy-to-navigate format. The design will incorporate our logo and the colours associated with the Guild.
We will provide all content in English and French and will continue to use our existing content management system. Once the design is complete, the Guild will be responsible for moving existing content over to the new site.
The Guild will arrange to release the successful candidate from their regular work and will cover their wages for the time worked on the project.
We want to have all work on the design completed no later than the end of June 2006. Therefore, candidates must be available to work on the project during the months of May and/or June.
Characteristics of the site: has a main home page, as well nine branch home pages. It also contains campaign pages and issue- and event-specific pages, as well as links to policy documents. The primary focus of the site is news articles and updates, which are updated regularly and maintained through an existing content-management system.
Nearly every page exists in both English and French.
From time to time, we run surveys and lotteries on the site.
Scope of the work: (including, but not limited to)
– meeting(s), either by phone or in person, with the website redesign subcommittee as necessary to discuss the parameters of the projects and for ongoing feedback.
– design of English and French versions of: main page, education page, contact page, branch home page template, communique page template, policy page template, campaign page template, negotiations page template
– design of navigational system
– presentation of online draft(s) for review and feedback by the committee
– provision of some graphical elements (eg. “new” icon, “latest on negotiations” icon, etc.)
– style sheet for the ongoing creation of content pages by the CMG as needed
– training of CMG staff on how to update design elements of the site, including navigational structure, as needed
– minor modifications after the launch of the design, if necessary, based on gaps or weaknesses noticed during migration of the content or during initial use of the site
– the CMG will own copyright of the approved design
What we are looking for in submissions:
– a covering letter outlining your qualifications and relevant experience
– your CV
– two references: preferably clients or employers
– a list of your top five favourite websites (with URL)
– sample(s) of your previous web design work
– the amount of time it will take you to complete the redesign (measured in 7-hour days)
– expenses, if any, you expect to incur from the project beyond your work time
Evaluation Criteria:
– qualifications and experience
– samples of previous web design work
– amount of time to complete the work
– ability to complete the work by end of June 2006
– references
For more information about the contract, please send an email to