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Tentative agreement reached between CMG and CKOF

The Canadian Media Guild’s (CMG) bargaining committee has reached a tentative agreement with CKOF for the renewal of the collective agreement which expired on May 31, 2019.

The details of the tentative agreement were shared at a general membership meeting that took place yesterday, Monday, July 22 in Gatineau. The tentative agreement includes gains in priority areas identified by members in the pre-bargaining survey.

Highlights of the tentative agreement are:  

  • 1.5% annual salary increases for the duration of the agreement which will be effective from June 1, 2019 to August 31, 2022
  • Salary progression for some employees
  • Increased Employer contributions to the group RRSP from 2.5% to 3.0% effective September 1st 2020
  • Easier access to the group RRSP for full time and part time employees
  • Employer commitment to better training for new employees and employees assigned to new tasks
  • Commitment from both sides to work together in order to clarify job descriptions by the end of the year

As a result of these important gains, the Committee recommends that members ratify the deal.

You can read the full agreement here (in French)

The ratification vote will take place online starting today, Tuesday, July 23 2019 at 8 a.m. (ET) until Friday July 26 2019 at 8 a.m. (ET) through CMG’s electronic voting system.

In order to vote, members need their nine-digit CMG member number and a password. Every member should have received an email with their CMG member number and password. If there are questions, please contact the CMG national office at [email protected].

In solidarity,

Mathieu Locas
Olivier Charbonneau
Olivier Desharnais-Roy, Staff Representative, Canadian Media Guild

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