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Update on negotiations with ZoomerMedia

Since the beginning of negotiations in October, your bargaining team has held eight sessions with ZoomerMedia. We have reached agreement on about fifteen articles, in addition to a dozen or so where the two sides have already agreed in principle to leave the existing language as is. We’ve scheduled further dates into December, and we will continue to add more as needed.

In the coming weeks we will start to examine some of the more substantive issues such as hours of work and overtime, different types of leave (e.g. maternity/parental leave and sick leave), job descriptions and salaries. As always, our primary concern will be to balance the business interests of ZoomerMedia with the professional and personal needs of our members – the people who do the work.

We’ll continue to keep you posted on developments.

Your bargaining team:
Matthew Duffy
Marie Lofranco
Rob VanSickle
Keith Maskell, CMG Staff Representative

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