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Updates for CMG members at Corus

Just a quick update to let you know that collective bargaining will be continuing the first week of August.

We will be trying to resolve the last few non-monetary issues that are unresolved and tackling head on the monetary issues starting with the goal of parity in wages between longstanding Corus employees and the former Shaw employees.

You may have also seen that a “reconsideration” application has been filed by Corus with the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB). Corus is requesting that the CIRB reconsider its decision from May in which the Labour Board dismissed the decertification application because it was filed before we even had a chance to bargain.

CMG’s lawyers are preparing a response that will be submitted to the CIRB. We are confident that the Labour Board will uphold its own decision. It obviously doesn’t make sense to hold votes every few months and the legislation clearly gives unions a year after being certified to bargain with an employer before another vote can be held.

Feel free to contact me at any time with any questions you may have, I look forward to speaking more with you as bargaining continues.

In Solidarity,

Matt Douglas
Staff Representative
Cell: 647-449-8169
[email protected]

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