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Wage re-opener talks adjourn

After two days of talks, we adjourned the wage re-opener negotiations with Canadian Press/BN until further financial information is available. The results of at least two quarters may be needed before there is enough information on which to make decisions and bargain properly.

We will reconvene the Bargaining Committee in a joint meeting with the Employee-Employer Committee in mid-April for the first review of 2005 financial results. Another date has been fixed to review the mid-year results in July.

The company has said that once money is available it has other needs, aside from raising wages, such as replenishing reserves and filling vacancies. We made it clear that employees will not accept another year of 0% at the Canadian Press and that a wage increase is their top priority.

We have looked at wage increases at member newspapers which are running in the 2-3% range and have plans to compile more information during this break from bargaining.

In the meantime, the non-monetary issues will not be ignored. Considerable time during these last two days was spent discussing how best to address them. The Employee-Employer Committee is supposed to deal with issues like these and we agreed to give it the help and resources it needs to do this work. Both sides know that integration ? how it’s working, what problems it may be causing ? must be high on the agenda. The first meeting of the committee is scheduled for March 30.

For more information, please contact Kathy Viner ([email protected]) at 416-591-5333 or 1-800-465-4149.

Your bargaining committee:

Scott Edmonds, CP/BN Winnipeg
Karine Fortin, CP/BN Montreal
James Stevenson, CP/BN Calgary
Kathy Viner, CMG Staff Representative

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