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Welcome VICE Canada employees to the Canadian Media Guild!

I am pleased to welcome you and your colleagues at VICE Canada into the Canadian Media Guild (CMG), Canada’s only all-media union. We have been around for 20 plus years, serving workers at a variety of media organizations, and have broad experience in journalism and communication workplace related issues.  We look forward to hearing more about your concerns, and being inspired by your obvious energy and commitment.

Please consider adding your insight and volunteering to join us as a member of the VICE-CMG bargaining team. We hope to begin negotiating a first collective agreement with VICE Canada management very soon.

If you can’t join us, make sure we know what you want by submitting your priorities online: http://www.cmg.ca/en/whats-important-to-you-in-our-negotiations-with-vice/.

For those in Toronto, we have a membership meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday, June 21 at 6 p.m. in the Brazen Head on East Liberty (upstairs in the Blast private room).  The official meeting starts at 6:30 p.m.; if you are outside of Toronto, please let us know at viceunion@cmg.ca so we can arrange for you to Skype in.

The CMG national office has confidential staff (http://www.cmg.ca/en/contact/staff/) who are happy to help: Call us with your questions at 416-591-5333 or 1-800-465-4149, or contact us by email at info@cmg.ca .

Carmel Smyth
National President

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