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ZoomerMedia negotiations — we have a deal!

We’re pleased to announce that we have reached a tentative agreement for a new collective agreement with ZoomerMedia. The deal was reached Tuesday afternoon and the Memorandum of Agreement was signed earlier today. Your bargaining team is unanimously recommending acceptance of the deal.

A few highlights:

– The deal covers the period between Sept. 1, 2010 and August 31, 2013.

– Salary increases of 2.5% (retroactive to Sept. 1, 2010), 1.5% one year later and 1.5% in September 2012. No salaries are being rolled back, capped or frozen.

– A premium of $2.50 per hour for hours worked between midnight and 6 am

– New Special Leave provisions allow employees to deal with family emergencies.

– All vacancies within the bargaining unit will be posted.

– The Family Day holiday will be observed..


– Clearer rules surrounding Sick Leave, Temporary Employees and Work Assignments.

We will be sending out a copy of the full Memorandum of Agreement next week. Soon after the New Year’s break we’ll hold an information session prior to the ratification vote. We’re anticipating that the vote will happen early in the week of January 10.

Thank you again for your suggestions and support over the past months. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Your bargaining team

Matthew Duffy
Marie Lofranco
Rob VanSickle
Keith Maskell, CMG Staff Representative

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