Hi, I’m Allie Jaynes. I’m a producer in Toronto, and I’m running to be one of our Local Executive Council’s Chief Stewards.
Our union faces a massive challenge: a disconnect between the CMG and much of its membership. Members often don’t know who to go to in the union when they have questions or problems. Much of the hard work by the CMG to improve working conditions for our colleagues doesn’t get the recognition it deserves. Many see their union as a kind of external service, and not something they’re an active part of.
This has led to a lot of apathy, with big consequences. And when bargaining time comes around, it makes it very hard to organize our members and put enough pressure on management to get the deal we really want.
I see a missing link that could help resolve this disconnect: Stewards.
Stewards play an informal but essential role in the union. They’re friendly faces on your teams at work, who serve as a hub between the union and its members. They answer your questions, help you connect to the right people in the CMG, and make sure your working conditions reflect the collective agreement.
We need more stewards in Toronto, and we need them to feel more connected to both the union and each other.
As one of our three Chief Stewards, together with my colleagues, I want to increase trainings for new stewards. I also want to hold regular meetings and socials for our existing stewards, so that they feel connected to a community — and so that it’s actually fun.
I’ve been committed to improving working conditions for my CBC/SRC colleagues for the six years I’ve been at the Corp. I’m a former temp and I’ve been an active member of the grassroots Temp Collective since its inception in 2018, where we have advocated to improve conditions for precarious and racialized workers at the CBC. This year I trained as a steward, and I was also a recipient of the CMG President’s Council Scholarship. This gave me incredible opportunities to learn about the union and the amazing work our colleagues are doing, and to think about where we can improve.
I hope you will consider me for the position.