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Champion Public Broadcasting

CBC needs our support so it can continue to offer us the news, entertainment, and local programming we deserve.

5 proposals CMG is urging each national political party to adopt:

1. Reverse the $115-million Deficit Reduction Action Plan (DRAP) cut to CBC

2. Increase CBC funding to about half the average of what other developed countries invest in their public broadcaster or $43.5 per capita annually over the next five years, and adjust CBC’s parliamentary appropriation for inflation.

3. Ask the CRTC to establish a fund that is dedicated to public service media programming (CBC, TVO, APTN, Tfo, community and independent media) – including local news – on all platforms that meets the diverse and evolving programming needs of Canadians.

4. Repeal Clause 17 of omnibus budget bill C-60 – in the interest of our country and of our reputation as a mature democracy – to remove government’s interference in
CBC’s day-to-day operations.

5. Protect CBC/Radio-Canada’s independence by instituting a more public mechanism for selecting the national public broadcaster’s Board and CEO.


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CMG Rally for CBC - May 2014 - Read for yourself



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CBC, I Care – Radio-Canada, j’y tiens



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