Approved by NEC June 10, 2020
The Canadian Media Guild wishes to foster a collaborative, civil, creative and inclusive atmosphere among all those doing union work.
Employees, officers and volunteers of the Guild are expected to cooperate with each other to ensure members’ interests come first.
To that end, it is expected that all those doing union work will be respectful of each other.
Disruptive and/or antagonistic behaviour will not be tolerated, ignored or condoned.
Such behaviour can include but is not limited to:
– frequent angry shouting or blow-ups
– derogatory comments or gestures
– personal insults
– excluding or shunning an individual
– spreading gossip, rumours, negative blogging, cyberbullying
– communication that is demeaning, insulting, humiliating
– intimidation
– retaliation, bullying, sabotaging
– bringing false accusations
– inappropriate comments on email or on social media
– failing to keep privileged CMG information about members or CMG staff confidential
all elected officials and employees agree to follow this code of conduct, other CMG policies, and the CMG bylaws.