Home / CMG Policy: Conflict of Interest

CMG Policy: Conflict of Interest

Approved and Revised February 21, 2014 by the National Executive Committee

Introductory Principle

The Canadian Media Guild is committed to representing all members fairly and equally.  It will assure members that employees and officers perform their duties in an objective manner and work for the benefit of the union as a whole.

 Definition of Conflict of Interest

For the purposes of this policy, a conflict of interest is defined as a situation in which an employee or officer has a private or personal interest, including financial, sufficient that it could appear to influence the objective exercise of his or her official duties.

Declaring Conflict of Interest

In any situation where there is a possible conflict of interest, it is the responsibility of the officer or employee to declare it. Officers should do so to the appropriate elected body and employees must advise the CMG President. If it is determined that a conflict exists as defined in this policy, the officer or employee shall then assist in transferring the matter to another officer or employee.  Representation cases involving immediate family members of officers or employees shall automatically be subject to this policy.

If a member of a committee believes another member of a committee is in conflict, that member may introduce a motion to hold a vote on whether there is a conflict of interest. If a majority finds that the officer is in conflict, that officer must recuse him/herself.

Exceptional Circumstances

An employee or member may appeal if they believe an exception should be made to this policy in order to avoid an adverse outcome that would cause more harm to the reputation of the union or member than the fair application of this policy. Their appeal will be heard by the appropriate elected body which made the decision to apply the policy or to the President in the case of staff. The appeal will weigh the value of applying the policy against the possible harm outlined and the employee or member may present evidence they believe is appropriate to assist in deliberations.

Violations of this policy will be subject to the appropriate remedies.

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