Approved by National Executive Committee July 30, 2020
The Canadian Media Guild is committed to using its hiring opportunities to be reflective of the CMG membership, the Canadian workforce and the population of the country. This policy is one element of the CMG’s overall strategy of being a more inclusive and representative union.
The National Executive Committee of the Canadian Media Guild is responsible for upholding this policy.
Justification of Position
1. The National Executive Committee will examine and assess the need for filling any new or vacant positions.
2. This examination will consider whether the position should be full-time, part-time or temporary.
3. The examination will include the full budgetary impact of filling the position, including such payments as CPP, vacations, and health benefits.
4. The examination will also consider any special needs possible candidates may have, such as wheel-chair access, ASL services, or special equipment for visually impaired candidates.
5. In cases where the vacancy is the result of a resignation or retirement, the review will include, where practical, an exit interview with the employee who is leaving the CMG. Such a review will be done by one or more members of the hiring committee struck to fill the vacancy. Areas covered will include reasons for leaving, comments on operations and strategies of the CMG, things that work, things that don’t work.
6. When there is a position that is vacant, less than 6 months, the executive director and CMG president, has the right to second an elected official. Thus, the secondment of an elected official is a temporary hiring which may be used in a period where a posting of a vacant position is in process or being assessed.
Hiring Committee
1. The National Executive Committee will strike a hiring committee of at least two people from the CMG membership, including the national president or his/her designate, and a member of CMG staff. At least one person on the committee will be from an equity seeking group.
2. The committee may retain the services of a consultant to help in recruiting suitable candidates and screening candidates. It may also retain a consultant to train the committee in interview techniques. Any such consultants will only act as advisors and not as members of the committee.
3. The committee will choose one of its members to chair the meetings.
4. In consultation with the National Executive Committee, the hiring committee will develop the selection criteria for the position. In doing so, the committee must decide who should have input into deciding the criteria, followed by a thorough discussion about the criteria itself. The committee will decide what skills are essential to the position/what skills are beneficial/what skills can be acquired. The committee must ensure the criteria are not discriminatory; and that they are specific, measurable and job-related.
1. Develop a checklist to guide the recruitment and selection process.
2. The hiring committee will draw up a posting for the vacant position.
3. This posting will include:
– a brief description of CMG and its mission;
– details about the job, duties and responsibilities;
– qualifications, education and/or experience necessary including language skills, special computer skills, negotiating experience, etc.
– any special elements such as extensive travel, etc;
– location of the job;
– desired start date;
– request for references;
– the format in which applications will be accepted (online, by mail, hand-delivered, by fax or any other methods)
4. The committee will develop a plan to advertise the vacancies internally and externally to the widest possible reach. Special consideration will be given to targeted outreach where appropriate. At minimum, all job openings will be posted online at the CMG web site and those of its parent unions, in labour and media networks and organizations for equity-seeking groups.
5. The advertisements will clearly state the CMG welcomes and encourages applications from members of equity seeking groups. This may also be spelled out to explain that this includes but is not limited to people with disabilities, people of colour and aboriginal people.
6. The advertisements will set a clear deadline for the close of the competition.
7. Candidates will be invited to self-identify if they’re members of equity seeking groups, if they wish to do so.
Screening and interviews
1. All applicants will be acknowledged by mail, email or fax making it clear that further communication will follow for those chosen for an interview.
2. The hiring committee will review all applications for the vacancy and choose those who will be interviewed.
3. The committee may use tests for writing skills, computer skills and language ability if necessary. If such tests are used all interviewed applicants will be required to participate.
4. Applicants chosen for interviews will be asked if they need any special services, such as ASL translators.
5. All interviews will be held in a fully accessible location.
6. All interviews will be conducted in full compliance with the Canadian Human Rights Act.
7. The committee may use whatever tools and procedures it needs during the interview process, such as a grid to evaluate candidates comparatively and case studies to assess the candidates’ ability to deal with certain situations.
8. Interviewed candidates being considered for the position will be asked to provide at least three references.
9. Where two or more candidates prove equally qualified, the recommendation of the committee will be the candidate from an under-represented group.
10. The committee chair will check at least two of the references of the recommended candidate.
11. Where the committee is unable to make a recommendation, it will turn to the National Executive Committee for guidance.
1. The committee will advise the National Executive Committee of its recommendation of the successful candidate and its next two choices if it has such choices.
2. The National Executive Committee will accept or reject this recommendation.
3. In cases where the recommendation is accepted, the chair of the committee will contact the successful candidate to offer the position.
4. When the successful candidate accepts the position, the chair of the hiring committee will communicate with the other candidates interviewed to thank them for applying for the job. At this time the chair, if asked, may offer candidates feedback on their performance at the job interview and reasons why another candidate was offered the job.
5. In cases where the successful candidate declines the offer, the next person on the list of recommended candidates will be offered the position.
6. In the event the NEC rejects the recommendation of the hiring committee, the hiring committee will be immediately dissolved. The NEC will then strike a new committee or decide not to fill the vacancy.