Home / Workplace Directory / Canadian Media Guild / Volunteer to serve on a CMG national committee – Equity/Human Rights, Elections or Resolutions 

Volunteer to serve on a CMG national committee – Equity/Human Rights, Elections or Resolutions 

Contribute your energy, experience and insight on a key committee of our union!

Please consider stepping forward to serve on the national Equity and Human Rights Committee, the Election Oversight Committee, or the CMG Convention Resolutions Committee

Submit your application by Friday, March 24 at 5 p.m. at info@cmg.ca
– Please indicate “2023 CMG National Committees” in the subject line of the email. 

Here is what you need to know

 CMG National Standing Equity and Human Rights Committee: Chaired by the CMG NEC Director of Human Rights and Equity, this committee is tasked with developing, supervising and maintaining an effective program to promote human rights and equity within our union. The successful candidates will serve until December 2025. 
Find out more at CMG Bylaws (art. 7.4) 

CMG National standing Election Oversight Committee: Made up of three members, two of whom are not members of the union’s National Executive Committee (NEC). This committee oversees elections at the CMG national and branch level, making sure union elections are conducted fairly and members are properly informed throughout the process. The successful candidates will serve until December 2025. 
Find out more at CMG Bylaws (art. 7.4) 

CMG Convention Resolutions Committee: Made up of at least three members, with at least one being a member of the NEC. This committee receives resolutions and bylaw amendments proposed by CMG members ahead of the convention; makes sure they are in compliance with CMG bylaws and with the Constitution and Bylaws of CWA | SCA Canada; and prepares them for debate at the convention. The successful candidates will serve until June 2023. 
Find out more at CMG Bylaws (art. 13.2) 

The CMG National Executive Committee will review all applications, select the members who will serve on these committees, and communicate the results to the membership. 

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