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Guild Committees at CBC/Radio-Canada

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Joint Committees:

Joint Employment Equity Committee (JEEC)

The Corporation and the Union have a joint interest in achieving equity in the workplace so that all employees are treated with dignity and respect and are provided the opportunity to achieve to their full potential.

This means women, aboriginal peoples, people with disabilities and people who are, by their race or colour, a visible minority may require the implementation of special measures and accommodations.

The purpose of the Committee is to provide a forum for consultation and collaboration. The intention of the consultation and collaboration process is as defined under the Employment Equity Act.

The committee shall participate in the preparation of an employment equity plan, in its implementation, and in the monitoring of its progress and in its revision.

Skills desirable for committee members might include:

-Knowledge of the Employment Equity Act
-Knowledge of equity issues in the workplace
-Interest in promoting equity in the workplace
-Experience in meeting with management, at a local and/or national level
-Good record keeping skills

Committee meetings are held a minimum of 3 times a year or more if the need arises.

Applicants are encouraged to check the Article 9 of the Collective Agreement for more details.

Joint Pay Equity Committee

This committee includes representatives from management and the CMG. It meets four times per year.

The committee is mandated under the Collective Agreement and legislation to address disparities in remuneration between men and women. This includes your placement on the salary grid as compared to all workers at  CBC including management. Pay equity is defined under human rights legislation as a gender issue and means equal pay for work of equal value.

The Guild encourages applications from Aboriginal peoples, visible minorities, people with disabilities, women, francophones and persons of all sexual orientation and gender identity. Please self-identify if you feel comfortable doing so.

Applicants are encouraged to check the Collective Agreement or speak with CMG for more details about what this committee does.

National Grievance Committee (NGC)

The NGC plays an integral role in managing the relationship between the Guild and the CBC.   The overall role is to manage the dispute resolution process at the national level. The purpose and goals of the process are defined in Article 16 of the Collective Agreement.

The emphasis of the overall process is on orderly and expeditious resolution, prompt and serious attention and innovative solutions.

The NGC serves an important strategic and practical role within the union. Its ability to manage disputes, resolve issues and provide interpretations is critical to members having and exploiting their rights.

Skills desirable for committee members might include:

-Good working knowledge of the collective agreement
-Previous experience on a local or national grievance committee
-Recognized communication skills
-Recognized problem solving skills
-Experience meeting with management, in other union-management roles
-Good record keeping skills

The national committee meets up to five times per year in Toronto. The Branch bylaws also stipulate certain other requirements.

Committee members will serve for three-year terms and must remain Branch members in good standing for the length of their terms. The composition of the committee shall respect the need for broad regional and occupational representation and the need for continuity within the committee. At least one member shall be from SRC. The chair of the National Grievance Committee shall be elected by a majority vote of the committee members.

Members are encouraged to check out Article 14 Bylaws & Article 16 Collective Agreement.

National Joint Committee (NJC)

The NJC has the role of promoting harmonious relations between the Corporation and its employees. Its purpose is to provide an avenue for strategic discussion on matters that affect employees in the bargaining unit and for the timely exchange of information on factors that may impact the bargaining relations. This committee plays a leading role in maintaining the union/management relationship.

Matters discussed at the Committee are of a national/corporate nature. It replaces a variety of previously existing committees, except those defined elsewhere in the Collective Agreement or required by legislation. It can also establish sub-committees to work on specific issues. It should not deal with grievances and does not perform the role of the NGC..

Skills desirable for committee members might include:

-Broad and extensive experience in a range of union capacities, preferably at a national level. Normally this would be attained at least in part through serving on the Branch Executive Council but other related experience in labour management relations could be considered

-Broad and extensive experience meeting with management, preferably at a national level
-Good communication skill
-Creative problem solving skills
-Proven Leadership skills
-Excellent record keeping skills

Issues dealt with often include long term planning and execution of those plans.

The committee is composed of the Director of Industrial Relations and at least two (2) senior managers from operations, as well as the Senior Staff Representative of the CMG and at least two (2) members of the CMG Executive or elected representatives. The number of representatives from each side is limited to 4; however, individuals can be added to provide additional information if required.   By collective agreement rules the committee is co-chaired by the Director of Industrial Relations and the Senior Staff Representative of the CMG.

Applicants are encouraged to check the Article 18 of the Collective Agreement for more details.

Consultative Committee on Staff Benefits (CCSB)

Role of the committee

The (CCSB) is comprised of representatives from all Unions (CBC/SRC), the Pensioners Association, non-represented (confidential) employees and management. It oversees CBC’s supplementary health care plan (SHCP) (prescription drugs, hospital, eye care, etc), including the Group RRSP, Insurance plans, health related leaves (LTD) and gratuities.

The CCSB also makes recommendations to the CBC pension plan.

The committee reviews the activities in all areas of benefits and insurances and makes recommendations for change or termination of plans and management of those plans.

Role of the representative
The Guild is entitled to seven (7) voting representatives to the CCSB. Representatives are chosen by the CBC Branch for a term determined by the Branch, usually three (3) years. The issues dealt with are complex and challenging. There is a steep learning curve so selected members should have an interest in staff benefits and come to the process with some knowledge of benefit plans and basic understandings of pension and insurance plans.

Committee members are required to attend regularly scheduled two-day meetings normally held in Ottawa four times a year. (First Tuesday and Wednesday in March, June and December and the first Wednesday & Thursday in September. Additionally members may be asked to serve on various subcommittees of the CCSB, which may require other travel to Ottawa/Montreal/Toronto.  Committee representatives are answerable to the CBC Branch and are required to arrange for communication to the membership and within the Branch executive.  Representatives on the CCSB also oversee dental plans, and manage the assets of the Special Assistance Fund (SAF).

Representatives should be team players, should be able to represent the Guild independently in subcommittee and be available to explain benefits and direct members through the claim and appeal processes.

The committee and its powers are established under Article 84 of the CMG Collective Agreement (appended) and similar articles in other collective agreements. Brief summaries of the benefits and services are set out in Article(s) 78 through 81 of the CMG Agreement.

National Joint Employment Planning Committee (NJEPC)

The role of the NJEPC changed under the 2009-2014 Collective Agreement (see Article 46). The NJECP committee now serves as an advisor to the Local committees, which are charged with finding their own local solutions, to find a mutually agreeable solution if a local dispute arises. As well, the NJECP committee will oversee regional and/or national redeployments or displacements, if required.

The ideal candidate should have:
-Prior joint employment planning committee experience
-Good working knowledge of the Workforce Adjustment (Article 46), and its processes and rules as they would apply in a downsizing exercise.
-Good understanding of the various job classifications and their duties
-Extensive experience in meeting with management, ideally at a national level
-Good record keeping skills
-Creative problem solving skills

Applicants are encouraged to check the Article 46 of the Collective Agreement for more details.

Health and Safety Policy Committee

The policy committee members are CBC management and employees representing every union at the CBC/SRC.  Training is available for new members to gain knowledge in specific areas of Health & Safety (H&S). The committee meets 4 times a year.  Applicants should currently be or have been a member of a local H&S committee.

Role of committee members:
-Participate in the development of health and safety policies and programs;
-Deal with matters raised by members and those referred to it by a work place committee or health and safety representative;
-Participate in the development and monitoring of a program for the prevention of work place hazards, according to regulations, that also provides for the health and safety education of employees;
-Participate in inquiries, studies, investigations and inspections as it considers necessary;
-Monitor data on work accidents, injuries and health hazards;
-Participate in the development and monitoring of a program, if any, for the provision of personal protective equipment, clothing, devices or materials;
-Participate in the planning of the implementation, and in the actual implementation, of changes that may affect health and safety, including work processes and procedures.

The H&S policy committee has access to all government and employer reports, studies and tests relating to the health and safety of employees. It can request from the employer any information it considers necessary to identify existing or potential hazards with respect to materials, processes, equipment or activities in any of the employer’s work places.

Applicants are encouraged to check the Article 77 of the Collective Agreement and Part II of the Canada Labour Code (CLC).

National Transmission Health and Safety Subcommittee (not currently seeking members)

The CBC Branch of the Canadian Media Guild is looking for representatives from members in the Transmission Department to serve on the National Transmission Health and Safety Subcommittee.

The subcommittee will assist the National Health and Safety Committee, as well as Local Health and Safety Committees, in addressing health and safety matters in the Transmission workplace. Working conditions in the Transmission Department often include areas of concern unique within the corporation, including working at heights, high voltages, radio frequency radiation, all-terrain vehicles, isolated locations, etc.

The CMG is looking for candidates with extensive practical experience and a thorough knowledge of the CBC rules and procedures pertaining to health and safety in the Transmission Workplace. Interested members are asked to submit a brief note stating your location, job classification, years of experience, and a brief summary of why you would like to serve on this subcommittee.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The purpose of the EAP is to provide confidential services, offered on a voluntary basis, to every current and retired CBC employee and his or her partner and dependent children, to help resolve personal problems.

The National Board shall be responsible for setting the policies, objectives, standards and operational guidelines of the EAP, and for establishing the budget to implement EAP objectives.  The National Board will assist Local Committees in their work, and help the Sponsoring Groups establish Local Committees and EAP services where they do not exist. It is also responsible for supporting Local Committees and ensuring that local services and activities meet national standards.

The board meets twice a year in person, together with the national coordinator, to discuss the program’s trends, promotion, orientation and management.

This National Board is comprised of representatives from all Unions at the CBC and Management

Due to the nature of this committee, candidates must meet the following criteria:
-Candidates must be or have been active members on their local committee for at least one year
-Must have good knowledge of the EAP
-Must be willing to sit on the National board for at least 2 years and until after the next Branch election
-Applications must be endorsed by a local EAP Representative

National Joint Training Committee

The National Joint Training Committee is a committee required under the Collective Agreement. It’s our opportunity to discuss CMG members’ training and development needs with management.

This Committee is expected to be both proactive and reactive. This means part of its mandate is to stay abreast of technological change and anticipated new work methods and practices and to make recommendations for relevant training and development.

The Corporation agrees to consider all proposals, advice, suggestions and other comments provided by the Union at the National Joint Committee on Training and Development meetings. However, all final decisions regarding training programs including the choice, availability, cost, frequency and timing of courses rests with the Corporation.

Criteria for committee members include:
-a strong commitment to training and development
-experience as a union activist
-good understanding of the training environment
-Also desirable for committee members:
-knowledge/experience in online learning development
-Strong and clear communication skills
-Recognition of unique challenges in providing training in workplaces of varying size and geographic isolation
-Good record keeping skills
-Experience in meeting with management preferably at the national level

Committee meetings are held on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and report after each meeting to the National Joint Committee.

Applicants are encouraged to check out Article 41 of the Collective Agreement for more details.

Performance Management and Staff Development Committee

The PMSD program is a joint one between union and management, designed to manage employees’ performance effectively and to ensure that employees have access to training and development opportunities. Members of the committee are decision-makers in the PMSD process. They:

-ensure that PMSD is being applied properly across the country
-monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the process, making changes as necessary
-report to the National Joint Committee
-communicate regularly with local PMSD committees
-ensure that national and local committee members are trained appropriately to oversee the PMSD program.

Candidates are selected on the following criteria:
-ability to communicate the principles of PMSD
-commitment to the process and to the time required to fulfill the duties
-the interest to work closely with other committee members and CBC senior management to ensure a positive outcome of the PMSD process for all
-problem-solving skills
-prior experience on a PMSD committee will be considered an asset

Joint Broadcast Training Committee

A Union-Management Joint Broadcast Technology Training
Committee makes recommendations to the National Joint Committee on Learning and Development, and to the “Learning and Development Department” as appropriate.”

Guild-only Committees:

CBC Branch By-Laws and Policy Committee

The Branch Bylaws and Policy Committee consists of three members, at least one of which must be a Branch Executive member. It is responsible for the review and upkeep of the Branch bylaws and ensuring that they conform to the CMG and CWA-SCA Canada bylaws and constitutions. The committee receives and reviews proposed bylaw amendments from members, and provides written and verbal recommendations to the biennial Branch convention. The committee is then tasked with editing the existing bylaws to capture changes approved at convention, and preparation of the revised bylaws document for presentation to the National Executive (NEC) for final approval. In between conventions, the committee provides guidance on bylaw matters to the Branch Executive and assists in determining the application of the Branch bylaws.

The committee is also responsible for the review and upkeep of the Branch policies and ensuring that they do not contravene Branch or National Bylaws. The committee captures as draft policy decisions of the Branch Executive Council (BEC) that direct future operation. The draft policy is then presented to the BEC for approval, with edits if required, to ensure the original intent remains intact.

The committee may be tasked by the BEC with writing policies from scratch, if a void in operating policies is identified. Final approval of these policies again remains with the BEC.

Ideally, committee members should have:
-Experience working with bylaws, policies, or similar document
-Good knowledge of Branch and CMG National bylaws as well as existing Branch policies
-Experience working on committees
-Good interpersonal relationship skills
-Good analytic and research skills
-Experience editing documents in a collaborative manner

This committee’s busiest time is the few months before and after the biennial convention. As well, one or more committee members will be required to attend the convention to present the committee report. Overall, although this committee’s work is important, workload is fairly light.

Education and Mobilization

Committee members will assist with developing a mobilization plan for the branch, as well as identifying and prioritizing specific activities and campaigns either nationally or by location and/or region. They will also identify and develop education activities specifically aimed at all CMG members at the CBC to help understand and respect their collective agreement rights.

Candidates should meet the following criteria:

-Experience as a union activist at the local level
-Experience in local mobilizing activities
-Creative thinker
-Clear understanding of major issues in your location and/or region
-Good knowledge of the collective agreement

Your application should include why you want to be part of the committee, what you believe you would bring to it, examples of local mobilizing ideas you’ve generated or mobilizing activities you’ve helped guide and any ideas you would like the committee to consider.

National Joint Temporary Committee 

Committee members will work with branches to offer expert support, guidance, and skills to help branches engage their temp workers. The committee will meet at least four times per year, unless those involved otherwise mutually agree. 

The work of local committees dealing with temporary employees could include: 

  • Providing visibility and a forum for communication regarding temporary employees and resolving, where appropriate, local concerns  
  • Discuss any concerns or questions regarding specific temporary employees and/or groups of employees. Examples may include:
    -Reason for engagement
    -Duration in position
    -Work history 
  • Discuss opportunities that may exist locally to create more certainty for temporary employees, such as identifying longer term opportunities, using a position to meet multiple backfill needs within a team, part-time positions, and other options.  

 Members are encouraged to check Article 27.5.4(a) of the New Collective Agreement for more information. 

New Members Temp & Youth Committee (not currently seeking members)

Committee members will work with the New Members Temp & Youth Director to reach out to members across the country.   Committee members should have an interest in issues prevalent among the following groups: New Members, Youth, and Temporary employees

Activities could include but are not limited to:
-Conference calls with members
-Outreach via mail or email
-Discussions with members to ensure their concerns are communicated through to the Branch Executive Council

Your application should include why you want to be part of the committee, what you believe you would bring to it, ideas you would like the committee to consider.

Communications Committee (not currently seeking members)

Applicants should have an interest in devising and implementing a strategy to improve communications within the CBC Branch of the CMG.

Your application should include why:
-you want to be part of the committee
-your experience
-what you believe you would bring to it
-communication ideas you would like the committee to consider.


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