Our union, our voice | Notre syndicat, notre voix
That’s the theme of our union’s 2018 biennial convention, being held in Toronto at the end of May – from Friday, May 25 through Sunday, May 27.
Every two years, a large group of Canadian Media Guild (CMG) members (about 175 people) gathers at the convention to meet and consider our needs and priorities as a union organization.
Accordingly, delegates are elected to attend from over 5000 CMG members across Canada — media workers at APTN, The Canadian Press, CBC/Radio-Canada, Corus, PMNA, Thomson Reuters, TFO, TVO, Vice Media, and ZoomerMedia, as well as other media organizations.
That’s in addition to members who are already automatic delegates to the convention — Location Unit Presidents, members of Branch Executive Councils, and members of CMG’s National Executive Committee.
Election of additional delegates
Additional delegates are elected by secret ballot by members of their respective Location Units, or by members of their Branch, if the Branch does not have Location Units.
The number of additional delegates from each Branch or Location Unit is determined by its number of CMG members. Delegate allocations for the 2018 Convention are available here.
Please consider putting your name forward if you are keen to participate, learn more about our union, and enjoy the company of fellow CMG members.
The convention is organized to foster communication and understanding between the various Branches and regions that comprise our union Local. The aim is to build a stronger and better Canadian Media Guild, together.
To be a candidate in the delegate elections, please send your name to [email protected] by Thursday, March 22 at 5 p.m. ET.
Please put “CMG Convention 2018” in the subject line of the email and also indicate your Location Unit and Branch.
The election of additional delegates to the convention will take place online, Wednesday, March 28 and Thursday, March 29, through the CMG online voting system.
When a delegate’s status is confirmed, the national office of our union will seek the delegate’s paid release from work, if need be, in order to attend the convention. Travel to the convention and accommodation will also be covered.
(For most out-of-town delegates, the travel day into Toronto is Thursday May 24, 2018. Most delegates will depart the convention on Sunday May 27, 2018, in the afternoon.)
Each Branch or Location Unit may also send additional non-voting delegates (observers). Check with a member of the CMG executive committee at your workplace if you would like to attend as an observer.
Looking forward to joining together at our Convention in May – “Our union, our voice | Notre syndicat, notre voix.”
With best wishes, in solidarity,
Kamala Rao
Canadian Media Guild