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Call for delegates – Submit your name by March 22

Our union’s VIRTUAL convention will take place Friday, June 11 and Saturday, June 12, 2021.

To be a candidate in the delegate elections, please submit your name to your Location Unit or Branch executives by Monday, March 22 at 5 p.m. ET.

Find your Location Unit or Branch executive contacts at: www.cmg.ca (Contacts tab).

Delegate allocations for the 2021 Convention are available here.

More information

The Canadian Media Guild (CMG) has 5,000 members across the country, working in a number of media companies. Members at APTN, The Canadian Press/PMNA, CBC/Radio-Canada, Thomson Reuters, TFO, TVO, Vice, ZoomerMedia and CBC/Radio-Canada Freelance Branch, will have a chance to meet and work together to help plan and set union priorities.

The convention’s theme is #StrongerTogether to reflect what we can achieve when we stand in solidarity with one another as media workers, and as part of the broader labour movement.

Members of the National Executive Committee, Branch executives and Location Unit presidents are all automatically convention delegates.

Other members interested in attending may apply to register with their Location Unit (for CBC and CP members), or with their Branch executives.

Each Location Unit or Branch may also have non-voting observers attend the convention. Speak to a member of the Guild’s executive committee at your workplace if you wish to attend as an observer.

For delegates representing their Location or Branch, release day(s) for scheduled time required to be taken off from work will be covered by the union.

Questions? Email us at: Convention2021@cmg.ca

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