At the end of July, there is a gathering of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) in Las Vegas, Nevada. CWA is the wider international union of which the Canadian Media Guild (CMG) is a part.
This gathering of delegates at CWA’s biennial Convention (July 29 – July 31, 2019) provides an opportunity to share information, build solidarity, and strategize on matters of mutual concern. The convention is also an important site for the governance of our international union.
The CWA Convention will connect our union Local, CMG, with our fellow union locals and union members across North America, including other journalists and media workers based at media organizations across Canada and the United States, all under the banner of CWA.
The Canadian Media Guild is comprised of over 5000 members, media workers at AFP, APTN, CBC/Radio-Canada, The Canadian Press and Pagemasters North America, Thomson Reuters, TVO, TFO, VICE Media, ZoomerMedia, CKOF, as well as media freelancers.
Our fellow CWA union locals across Canada and the United States are comprised of hundreds of thousands of union members who work in the areas of telecommunications and information technology, the airline industry, news media, broadcast and cable television, education, health care, manufacturing and other fields.
To join CMG President Kamala Rao in representing our union local (CMG) at the CWA Convention, please put forward your name as a potential CMG delegate by downloading and completing a nomination form.
A completed nomination form must be submitted to the CMG national office by no later than Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at midnight in your time zone.
If needed, there will be a membership-wide vote to select CMG’s final delegation. In anticipation of an election, nominees should please prepare a delegate-candidate profile that will be posted on the CMG website for members to review.
Authorized CMG delegates will have most costs associated with attending the CWA Convention covered.
For more information about delegate responsibilities, or to ask any related questions, please contact