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CMG Convention 2021 – Proposed Bylaw amendments and resolutions

Under the Canadian Media Guild’s Bylaws, proposed amendments must be received at the CMG office no later than 60 days prior to the Convention which is to take place June 11-12, 2021.  A total of twelve (12) amendments to CMG Bylaws and seven (7) general resolutions have been put forward as of the April 12 deadline.

Please read the proposed amendments and resolutions here.

Two (2) amendments to the CBC Branch Bylaws and four (4) resolutions have also been submitted.  Please read them here.

A resolution passes at the convention if a simple majority (i.e., more than half of the delegates) votes in favour.  Bylaw amendments must pass by a two-thirds majority.

Bylaw amendments and resolutions are reviewed to ensure they do not contravene the Constitution and Bylaws of CWA Canada or the Constitution of the Communications Workers of America (CWA), our wider union organizations.

Virtual Convention process
This shorter virtual event will consist of online meetings over two days.  In order to facilitate this virtual gathering, the CMG has had to adapt many of its normal processes, however delegates will be able to submit resolutions from the floor on the two convention days.  Any not dealt with for time reasons will be forwarded to the appropriate executive committee afterward.

All  amendments and resolutions are shown in the order submitted.

CMG Resolutions committee:
Giordano Ciampini
Thomas Cramer
Harry Mesh

CBC Branch Bylaws and Policy Committee:
Lorne Shapiro
Matthew Martin
Harry Mesh

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