Home / Workplace Directory / CMG Convention: June 2016 – Selecting delegates and proposing resolutions

CMG Convention: June 2016 – Selecting delegates and proposing resolutions

You are invited to attend the biennial CMG national convention to be held June 4 and 5, in Toronto. Every two years the union holds a national convention to hear from

members and set priorities for the next two years. The elected union presidents from all branches and locations are automatic delegates, along with dozens of others.

Do you want to attend?

The number of delegates for each branch or location unit is determined by a formula based on membership. The branch or location unit is responsible for organizing an election to determine who shall receive credentials as voting delegates. Specific numbers are available here: http://www.cmg.ca/en/2016-convention-delegate-entitlement/

Each location unit may also send additional non-voting delegates (observers). Check with your local union executive if you would like to attend.

Please submit all delegate contact information to the office before Friday, February 26, 2016 (send to margaret@cmg.ca.)

Proposing resolutions  

We have a four-person committee of committed volunteers ready to accept your ideas. Resolutions can deal with CMG union policy or national bylaws.  Click here to see the current CMG bylaws.

Any member in good standing can submit a resolution, whether or not you are attending the convention. All resolutions must be seconded by another member.

The deadline for submitting proposed bylaw amendments is Monday, March 21.  General policy resolutions can be made any time up to and including at the convention, but we encourage advance submission so supporting information can be available.

To submit a resolution: http://www.cmg.ca/en/propose-resolutions-or-bylaw-amendments-for-discussion-at-the-cmg-convention/

For more information, info@cmg.ca or call the national office at 416-591-5333 or 1-800-465-4149.

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