Home / Workplace Directory / Canadian Media Guild / CMG delegates to CWA Convention – Election to be held February 14 – 21

CMG delegates to CWA Convention – Election to be held February 14 – 21

Thirteen members have been nominated to contend for a position to represent CMG at upcoming events involving our union: the CWA Canada National Representative Council meeting in April, the NewsGuild-CWA Sector Conference in July, and the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Convention also in July.

To aim for our standard of 5-branch representation,  the following delegate is automatically elected: Charmaine Straker of APTN.

To determine the remaining five (5) delegates who will represent us at the convention, a vote will be held through the CMG online voting system, from Tuesday, February 14 at 9 a.m. ET to Tuesday, February 21 at 11 p.m. ET.

All CMG members in good standing can vote for up to five (5) candidates. At least one of the selected candidates must be from The Canadian Press.

When polls open on Tuesday, February 14, you will receive an email with your 9-digit CMG Identification Number. You will also receive your 6-number randomly generated Pass Code.   You will also receive the link to the voting system.

The following thirteen candidates are vying for the remaining 5 vacant delegate positions from two branches.
– In alphabetical order :

  • CARRIE BRADSHAW CBC / Radio-Canada, Toronto
  • BRENT COUSLAND CBC / Radio-Canada, Toronto
  • DAVID FRIEND Canadian Press / La Presse Canadienne, Toronto
  • ANIS HEYDARI CBC / Radio-Canada, Calgary
  • KAT MCMORROW CBC / Radio-Canada, Toronto
  • SAÏDA OUCHAOU-OZAROWSKI CBC / Radio-Canada, Toronto
  • PAULINE PEMIK CBC / Radio-Canada, Iqaluit
  • DEREK PROSSER CBC / Radio-Canada, Carp
  • NAOMI ROBINSON CBC / Radio-Canada, Toronto
  • MICHEL SABA Canadian Press / La Presse Canadienne, Montreal
  • CARMEL SMYTH CBC / Radio-Canada, Toronto
  • JONATHAN SPENCE CBC / Radio-Canada, Toronto
  • OLENA SULLIVAN CBC / Radio-Canada, Toronto

If you experience any difficulty voting, please write to  vote@cmg.ca.  

The results will be alloted so that the final delegation will represent at least 3 branches and will be released as quickly as possible after the polls close.

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