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Notice of CMG National Convention – May 2018

The Canadian Media Guild (CMG) is holding our pan-Guild biennial convention this upcoming May 25, 26, and 27, in Toronto at the Marriott Bloor Yorkville Hotel.

CMG’s National Executive Committee (NEC) is responsible for the organization of the convention, and we take our direction from Article 13 of the CMG bylaws.

Every two years, a large group of CMG members (about 175 people) gathers at the convention to meet and consider our needs and priorities as a union organization.

The work of the national convention includes reviewing our financial and administrative activities as well as directing the NEC on policy issues and our union’s work (through discussion and the passage of resolutions). The convention is also organized to foster communication and understanding between the various Branches and regions that comprise our union Local.

The aim is to build a stronger and better Canadian Media Guild, together. It’s a great way to participate, learn more about our union, and enjoy the company of fellow CMG members.

Automatic delegates

According to our bylaws, the presidents of all CMG Location Units are automatic delegates to the convention, as are members of the National Executive Committee and members of each Branch Executive Council.

Selecting additional delegates

Additional convention delegates will be elected from over 5000 CMG members across Canada. These delegates will be elected by secret ballot by members of their respective Location Units, or by members of their Branch, if the Branch does not have Location Units.

The Canadian Media Guild contains 11 Branches – Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canadian Press (which includes Pagemasters North America), VICE Canada, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN), TVO, TFO, Corus, Zoomer, Thomson Reuters, Private Radio, and Freelancers.

CMG Location Units include –

Within CBC/Radio-Canada Branch: BC Bureaus (Kamloops, Kelowna, Nelson, Prince George, Prince Rupert), BC Transmitter Techs, Calgary, Charlottetown, Edmonton, Foreign Correspondents, Fredericton, Gander-Grand Falls, Halifax, Hamilton-KW-London, Iqaluit, Northern New Brunswick, Ottawa, Regina, Saint John, Saskatoon, St. John’s, Sudbury, Sydney, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, Western Newfoundland & Labrador, Whitehorse, Windsor, Winnipeg, and Yellowknife.

Within Canadian Press Branch: Edmonton, Halifax and Atlantic, Montreal and Quebec City, Ottawa, Prairies (Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg), Toronto, Vancouver and Victoria, as well as Pagemasters.

Each Location Unit Executive Committee, or Branch Executive Council without Location Units, is responsible for organizing an election to determine additional convention delegates. Details on electing these delegates will follow in the next few weeks.

The number of delegates from each Branch or Location Unit is determined by its number of CMG members. Specific delegate allocations for the 2018 Convention are available here.

Each Branch or Location Unit may also send additional non-voting delegates (observers). Check with a member of the CMG executive committee at your workplace if you would like to attend.

When a delegate’s status is confirmed, the national office of our union will seek the delegate’s paid release from work, if need be, in order to attend the convention. Travel to the convention and accommodation will also be covered.

Instructions on proposing bylaw amendments and resolutions 

A resolution directs our union to take a position on an issue or undertake a specific task. For example: “Be it resolved that the Canadian Media Guild lobby all federal political parties to support public broadcasting in Canada.”

A bylaw amendment changes the basic rules that our union has set to govern itself. For example: “I move that bylaw 13.1 be amended to read “…every THREE years or when special circumstances warrant.” (Click here to see the current CMG bylaws.)

A resolution or a bylaw amendment can be focused on the Canadian Media Guild as a whole, or on a specific Branch alone, such as the CBC Branch or TFO Branch. (Please see: CBC Branch Bylaws, and TFO Branch Bylaws.)

Any member in good standing of CMG can put forward a resolution or bylaw amendment, whether or not they plan to attend the convention.

A resolution passes if a simple majority (i.e. more than half of the delegates voting) votes in favour. Bylaw amendments must pass by a two-thirds majority.

Additional important dates

Prior to Friday, March 23 – CMG’s National Executive will appoint a Resolutions Committee. If you think you may have a knack for or interest in this role, please contact CMG President, Kamala Rao (kam (at) cmg.ca). See CMG Bylaws– Article 13.2 c) for details.

Friday, March 23 – Deadline for submitting resolutions and bylaw amendments to the CMG national office. General policy resolutions can be made any time up to and including at the convention, provided they are not bylaw amendments. Resolutions received after that deadline will be dealt with in the order received and only if time permits.

Tuesday, April 24 – Proposed resolutions and bylaw amendments are to be circulated to all members by this date.

Over the next few weeks and months, please look out for additional information about our 2018 convention, including further details on how to submit proposed resolutions and bylaw amendments.

With best wishes, in solidarity,

Kamala Rao
President, Canadian Media Guild

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