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Polls now open – Elect CMG delegates to the CWA convention

Polls are now open for CMG members to elect the nine (9) candidates, in addition to the CMG President, who will represent us at the upcoming CWA convention.

All CMG members in good standing can vote for up to nine candidates from today, Thursday, June 27 at 9 a.m. ET to Tuesday, July 2 at midnight ET.

You can read about the candidates here.

To cast your vote, please go to the CMG online voting system: https://cmg.simplyvoting.com/

In order to vote, you will need your CMG member number (Membership ID) and your password.
If you have questions about the vote, please write to CMG staffer Glenn Seymour at vote@cmg.ca

The results of the vote will be released as quickly as possible after the polls close.

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