April 2, 2014
Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M5H 2N2, Canada
Cc: Councillor Adam Vaughan, Trinity-Spadina
Re: Proclaim May 24, 2014 “Canadian Media Guild Day” in Toronto
CMG Convention is in Toronto May 24, 2014, and we are celebrating our 20th anniversary
For 20 years, the Canadian Media Guild (CMG) has been working to advance the interests of workers in the media industry, and to promote a vibrant sector that provides rewarding, sustainable careers, at the same time offering high-quality information and entertainment to Canadians. Our headquarters is in the heart of Toronto, in Trinity-Spadina (Ward 20). Our biennial convention will be held May 24 in Toronto, drawing delegates from across Canada to our wonderful city, the hub of Canadian media.
CMG members (more than 6,000) are the announcers, hosts and reporters we see, hear and read on radio, TV and online; CMG members also design and create the content of hundreds of programs. They are administrative support staff, information technology professionals, camera operators, photographers, and customer service representatives. Much of what we see every day in the media is created through the hard work of these professionals.
Our members work at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada (CBC/SRC), The Canadian Press/La Presse Canadienne, Thomson Reuters, Agence France-Presse (AFP), TVO, TFO, the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (aptn), ZoomerMedia, Shaw Media, MBS Radio in Saint John (New-Brunswick), CKOI Radio Gatineau (Québec), and we proudly represent media freelancers.
In celebration of CMG’s contributions, and to honour our 20-year milestone, we respectfully request the City of Toronto recognize CMG with a proclamation of May 24 as Canadian Media Guild Day in Toronto.
Carmel Smyth, National President
310 Front Street West, #810, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 3B5
416-459-6766 cell