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Propose resolutions to the CMG convention

You have an opportunity to help direct your national union leadership by proposing resolutions for the upcoming CMG national convention, which will take place June 8-10 in Toronto.

Resolutions can deal with overall union policy or even amend the CMG’s bylaws. Click here to see the current bylaws.

Any member in good standing of the CMG can put forward a resolution, whether or not s/he plans to attend the convention. Don’t forget to have your resolution seconded by another member.

The deadline for submitting proposed bylaw amendments is Monday April 9. General policy resolutions can be made any time up to and including at the convention itself, but circulating resolutions in advance leads to better-informed discussion and debate. Also, if there is a problem with the resolution, it allows time for the Resolutions Committee to contact you so that it can be fixed.

Submitting them in advance also means other members can see what you are proposing before they arrive at the Convention. All resolutions submitted to the national office by April 9 will be included in pre-convention kits sent to delegates.

Click here to submit a resolution.

For more information, write to [email protected] or call the national office at 416-591-5333 or 1-800-465-4149.

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