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Report on bylaw amendments and general resolutions at CMG convention 2016

Delegates to the CMG convention 2016 in Toronto debated several proposals from members to change the way the union conducts it affairs.

Bylaw amendments change the rules that govern the structure and operations of the union. The amendments adopted at the 2016 convention deal with:

– Filling union vacancies during a CMG general election year;
– Use of union funds and assets by at the Location Unit level;
– Reducing the size of CMG’s National Executive Committee by eliminating director positions from the NEC
– Communicating notices of election for positions at CMG parent union CWA|SCA Canada
– Communicating NEC meeting minutes to members, and sharing Management Committee meeting minutes with the NEC
– Reducing to two years the length of election mandates for elected CMG positions at the Location Unit level

General resolutions, once passed by the convention delegates, become instructions to the CMG national leadership. It is generally understood that they are to be adhered to as closely as reasonably possible. Delegates passed the following resolutions:

– The NEC will ensure that CMG members at large will also elect every three years director positions that report to but do not sit on the NEC
– The National Executive Committee will maintain the plan set up at CMG convention 2014 to provide some additional funding to the CBC branch’s three largest location units (currently Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver)

To read the full text of the amendments and resolutions, please click here: http://www.cmg.ca/en/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/CMG-Resolutions-what-was-approved-at-CMG-Convention-2016.pdf

Read updated CMG bylaws here: http://www.cmg.ca/en/your-rights-and-resources/policies/cmg-bylaws/

The 2016 Resolutions Committee:
Jonathan Spence
Scott Edmonds
Helen Bagshaw
Jon Soper

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