Home / Workplace Directory / Canadian Media Guild / Represent CMG at our parent union conventions 2014-2015

Represent CMG at our parent union conventions 2014-2015

Share your talent and energy by volunteering to represent your union at several upcoming conferences.

The CMG will be sending volunteers delegates to the conventions of our parent organizations, CWA Canada and CWA.

These conventions focus on issues that affect you and your colleagues and explore what unions are doing, or should be doing to improve your lives and working conditions.

The CWA Canada convention will be held April 25-27, 2014 in Vancouver. The CWA International convention is scheduled for 2015 in Detroit. There will be other smaller events over the three-year term.

We value your input. Your views and commitment to change can make a difference.
Join National President Carmel Smyth, as one of up to eight delegates, selected from across the union.

To volunteer, download a nomination form here. A completed nomination form must be submitted to the CMG national office by 5 p.m. ET Friday, February 21.

If necessary, there will be a vote. For more information about delegate responsibilities:  info@cmg.ca .

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