Our union’s biennial convention will take place in June 9-10, 2023 in Toronto, with a Branch day June 8. Delegates from all CMG branches will gather to set our union’s priorities for the next two years, under this year’s convention theme:
The delegates
In addition to members who are already automatic delegates to the convention — Location Unit Presidents, members of Branch Executive Councils, and members of CMG’s National Executive Committee – additional delegates are selected from the membership in locations and branches across the country.
Here is the full list of your delegates, who will work together at the CMG 2023 Convention to set our union’s priorities for the next two years.
I encourage you to take the time to meet with the delegates from your location and to share your thoughts and ideas for the convention with them.
Proposed bylaw amendments and resolutions
Under the Canadian Media Guild’s Bylaws, proposed amendments must be received at the CMG office no later than 60 days prior to the Convention. A total of nineteen (19) amendments to CMG Bylaws and one (1) resolution have been put forward as of the April 9 deadline.
Read the proposed bylaw amendments proposed bylaw amendments and resolutions.
Two (2) CBC Branch resolutions have also been submitted. Read them here.
A resolution passes at the convention if a simple majority (i.e., more than half of the delegates) votes in favour. Bylaw amendments must pass by a two-thirds majority.
Bylaw amendments and resolutions are reviewed to ensure they do not contravene the Constitution and Bylaws of CWA Canada or the Constitution of the Communications Workers of America (CWA), our wider unions.
The members of the CMG Resolutions committee are:
Giordano Ciampini
Thomas Cramer
Helen Bagshaw
The members of the CBC Branch Bylaws and Policy Committee are:
Matthew Martin
Sarah Robinson
In solidarity,
Annick R. Forest
President, Canadian Media Guild