Hello everyone,
I hope this new year finds you well and rested! I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful 2013!
In 2013, the Vancouver Local Executive needs a new president and vice-president.
The president and vice-president selected during the last local elections for the mandate starting November, 2011 had to step down last summer. I took over the president’s position on an interim basis; Colin Preston did the same for the vice-president’s position.
The CMG CBC Branch bylaws require that there be a by-election when local executive positions are vacated for more than six (6) months before the end of the mandate (January 2014).
This is a call for nominations for the positions of President and Vice-President of the Vancouver local.
You can get a nomination form from one of the three members of the Election Committee (Annick Forest (6285), Colin Preston (6750), and Hélène Dupre-Espeut (6316)) and fill one out for yourself or nominate a colleague.
Your union needs you
I strongly encourage you to consider running for one of these positions, or to volunteer as a member of the Vancouver Local Executive Committee.
Unions exist to protect your workplace rights, but can only do so if they are strong.
Strong unions are built when many people get involved, each giving a little time and effort.
Participate and help improve your working conditions and that of your colleagues!
The nomination forms must be submitted to a member of the Election Committee
before 4 p.m. on Friday, February 8.
In solidarity,
Annick Forest
Secretary & Interim President
CMG- CBC Vancouver Local Executive Committee