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Call for nominations: CMG Trustee

Please submit nominations to the below position by the deadline of Thursday, July 6, at 5 p.m. E.T.:

NATIONAL OFFICE – CMG Trustee – Open to ALL CMG Members in good standing

  • Trustee

The successful candidate will be elected to serve until the current term ends on December 31, 2025. The other two successful candidates for Trustee have already been acclaimed.

If you’re interested in running, or in nominating someone else, please click here to download the nomination form. The candidate, nominator and two seconders must all be CMG members in good standing.

Please include your candidate profile and photo with your nomination.  More info on profiles can be found on page 2 of the nomination form.

More information

You can refer to this document to know more about these positions: CMG bylaws. Please see ARTICLE 9 – NATIONAL TRUSTEES

Again, the deadline for receipt of completed nomination forms is Thursday, July 6, at 5 p.m. E.T.  The dates for any necessary elections will be set following the close of nominations.

If you are having problems getting a nomination form signed due to COVID-19 quarantine issues, please contact [email protected]  and we will direct you how to circulate and send in your nomination via E-mail.

All candidates are reminded to review the Guildelines for CandidatesCode of Conduct,  and Elections Policy. Other members who campaign for a candidate are bound by the same policies. CMG employees are not allowed to campaign in support of any candidate.

For more information about the elections, please contact [email protected].

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