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CBC branch VP by-election postponed to May 26-27 – candidates’ profiles available


The National Elections Committee has decided to postpone the by-election to fill the post of CBC Branch vice-president for one week.

There has been a delay in making full candidate information available to CBC members in advance of the vote, and the committee has been asked to review an aspect of the campaigning.

The new dates for voting online will be Thursday, May 26 and Friday, May 27.

This will allow time for the new vice-president to fully participate at the upcoming CMG convention and CBC Branch Convention.

There are two candidates for the position:

  • John O’Connor
  • Jonathan Spence

Find out more about the candidates here.

The successful candidate will serve until the current term ends in December 2016.

You can vote online for the candidate of your choice on May 26 and 27, 2016. You’ll need to know your nine-digit CMG identification number; if you don’t know it or have misplaced it, please write to us right away at [email protected] and we’ll get you your number as quickly as possible.

We will send out more information about the voting process next week.

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