As of the close of the nomination period on Thursday, March 16, 2023, the position of APTN Branch President and Vice-President have been filled, and in the case of Secretary-Treasurer role, there will be an election.
You can read about the roles and responsibilities of elected Guild officials here.
APTN Branch Executive
- -President (also NEC member): BRUCE SPENCE – Elected by Acclamation
- -Vice-President: DENNIS RONDEAU – Elected by Acclamation
The successful candidate will serve until the current term ends in December 2025.
Members will be able to vote for the nominee of their choice from April 13 to April 17, 2023.
We will be using our online voting system. In order to vote, you will need your CMG membership card. If you do not have your card, go to
All candidates are reminded to review the Guildelines for Candidates, Code of Conduct, and Elections Policy. Other members who campaign for a candidate are bound by the same policies. CMG employees are not allowed to campaign in support of any candidate.
If you have any questions please write to [email protected].