We have a number of vacant positions on our branch and national executive committees, and we invite you to step forward as a candidate.
On the Guild’s National Executive Committee, we’re looking for a Director, New Members to replace Michael Santianni. All CMG members in good standing are eligible to run as a candidate or to vote in this election.
For the other elections, only members of the appropriate branch will be eligible to run as a candidate or to vote:
The Canadian Press Branch Executive Council (BEC) is looking for a Vice-President to replace Lise Millette.
The Thomson Reuters BEC is looking for a President to replace Ka Yan Ng.
And the CBC/Radio-Canada BEC is looking for a Director, Ontario to replace Dian Duthie. Only members working at CBC/Radio-Canada in the province of Ontario with the exception of Toronto can participate in this election.
Nominations are now open for all these positions. The deadline for nominations is 5 pm ET on Tuesday September 20.
To download the nomination form, please click here. Nomination forms with original signatures must be received by the Guild’s national office by the end of the nomination period.
Elections will be held October 12-13. The winners will hold office until the end of 2013.
If you have any questions, please contact the chair of the Guild’s national elections committee, Jon Soper, at [email protected] or Keith Maskell ([email protected]) at the Guild’s national office.