The ballots have been counted. 70 ballots were received out of a total of 98 eligible voters, for a turnout of over 71 percent. One ballot was ruled inadmissible and not counted.
Here are the results:
C. Masaaba Mwambu: 44
Gary Douglas: 25
Vice-President, Master Control/ Presentation/ Quality Control/ Dub Centre/ Library:
Brent Tennant: 26
Sean Beresford: 11
Masaaba and Brent will join the other members of the executive who have already been declared elected: VP at large Rob VanSickle, VP Post/Closed Captioning Chris Wenman, and VP Engineering Ilya Doronin.
As you may know, Patricia (Trish) Teves withdrew from the election during the voting period. As a result, it will be necessary to re-run the election for secretary-treasurer. Setting up this by-election will be one of the first duties of the new executive.
Congratulations to the winning candidates, and many thanks to all who voted.
If you have any questions, please contact Keith Maskell at or Rodney Bannister in the AAC dub centre.