Along with many of our co-workers, two members of our union’s Branch Executive Committee left their jobs at VICE Canada as a result of layoffs in June and January. This has created vacancies to be filled on the Executive for the positions of Vice-President and Director, Québec. We are now accepting nominations for those positions. The mandate for these roles ends with the current term on December 31, 2019.
All members in good standing of the CMG VICE Canada Branch are eligible to be nominated for these positions. You can read about the duties of Branch executive committee members here.
If you’re interested in running, or in nominating someone else, please click here to download the nomination form – The candidate, nominator and two seconders must all be CMG members in good standing.
The deadline for receipt of completed application forms is Friday, February 16 at 5 p.m. ET.
The dates for any necessary elections will be set following the close of nominations.
If you have any questions, please write to [email protected]