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Run for a spot on the new Guild executive at AAC

Nominations are now open for the new Canadian Media Guild branch executive at Alliance Atlantis Communications. Members gathered at a general meeting on February 6 to discuss options and determine what executive structure they felt would work best. A number of ideas were discussed before consensus settled on the following structure:

Vice-President at large
Vice-President, Presentation/Master Control/Quality Control/Library/Dubs
Vice-President, Engineering
Vice-President, Post/Closed Captioning/Graphics

The first three positions will be elected at large, i.e. by the full membership. Each of the department VPs will be elected only by the members working in the departments they are to represent.

If you are interested in running for any of these positions, you can download a nomination form here. Once you’ve filled it in and obtained the required signatures, please give your completed form to Rodney Bannister in the Dub Centre. The deadline for nominations is Friday February 17. Elections will be held approximately two weeks later.

If you don’t want to run for office but would like to help run the election, please consider joining Rodney on the election committee. For more information, get in touch with CMG staff representative Keith Maskell at keith@cmg.ca .

In addition to the elected executive, the Guild will be counting on a network of volunteer stewards in the various departments at AAC. If you’re interested in participating in the Guild’s activities, please contact Keith.

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