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Temporary employees: run for a seat on the CMG executive

The Canadian Media Guild is seeking to better understand and address the issues facing temporary employees at the CBC. It has created a new position on the executive of the CBC branch. Now is the time to put your name, or the name of one of your colleagues, forward to run for this position.

During the recent contract negotiations and the lockout, it became apparent that your union was lacking a strong voice advocating on behalf of temporary workers, the problems they face and the issues that need to be taken up with management.

Anyone who is presently a temporary or casual employee at the CBC is eligible. Nominations are open until 5 pm (ET) on Tuesday February 21. Click here to download a nomination form: http://www.cmg.ca/nominationformENFR.doc . Be sure to get signatures from two colleagues who are Guild members.

And what will the representative of temporary employees do on the executive? S/he will become a member of an 18-person executive that sets policies for the union at the CBC, dealing with such matters as working conditions, contract disputes and the development of the union itself. There are a small number of in-person meetings, usually held in Toronto, and approximately eight conference call meetings per year. The representative of temporary employees will also help develop a network of temporary workers across the CBC.

The person who is elected to this position will also attend the Guild’s national convention in Calgary, from April 28 to 30.

For more information or if you need help with the nomination process, please contact the Guild (guild@interlog.com) at 416-591-5333 or 1-800-465-4149. Remember: nominations are open until February 21 and the election will be held in March.

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