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We need delegates for upcoming conventions of our parent unions

It’s time once again to choose delegates to represent the CMG at upcoming conventions of The Newspaper Guild and the Communications Workers of America. In addition to national president Lise Lareau, the Guild will send eight delegates, who will serve until the end of 2010. The 2009 conventions will be held concurrently in late June in Washington, DC.

We are now accepting nominations for the eight delegate slots.

The CMG’s national executive committee has decided that our eight delegates must represent at least three different branches of the Guild. In addition, one of the eight delegate slots is reserved for a newer Guild member, defined as someone who has been a CMG member for fewer than five years. If you’re a newer member and you’re interested in getting more involved in our broader union, we invite you to put your name forward.

Nominees, as well as nominators and seconders, must be card-holding members of the CMG in good standing. To nominate someone, download a nomination form by clicking here. Nomination forms with original signatures must be received by the CMG’s national office no later than 5 pm ET on Friday, April 24. It’s always a good idea to fax a copy of your completed form to the Guild office first, and then call to confirm reception before sending the originals via mail or courier.

Elections, if necessary, will be held in early May.

For more information contact Keith Maskell, chair of the Guild’s national elections committee, at keith@cmg.ca.

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