The position of Secretary-Treasurer on the aptn branch executive was recently vacated. This provides an opportunity for another member to join the executive. Presently, the aptn Branch Executive consists of a President and two Vice-Presidents. The duties of the aptn Branch Secretary-Treasurer include:
– keeping accurate records of Branch Executive Council meetings.
– ensure that minutes are prepared and distributed, and forwarded to the national executive.
– working with the Branch President to maintain the membership database.
– managing the Branch bank account.
– submitting Quarterly Financial Reports.
– preparing an annual forecast of financial needs for the Branch.
As well as these duties, becoming part of the aptn Branch Executive the Secretary-Treasurer will also enforce the collective agreement, ensuring that members concerns and issues are addressed and providing leadership in advancing the interests of the branch as a whole.
Any members interested in volunteering for the position as aptn Branch Secretary-Treasurer should contact the Branch Executive at [email protected] .