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Getting involved at your workplace

We are 6000 journalists, hosts, producers, technicians, videographers, editors, librarians, programmers, sales reps, administrative staff and freelancers.  We believe a quality media system that serves all Canadians is built on healthy organizations that treat workers fairly.

Together we are the Guild.

Strong unions are built when many people get involved and each gives a little time and effort.

You can begin today.

You can vote. You can run. You can help out on committees. You can contribute in a variety of ways.

There are Guild members at your workplace that can help with any questions and information on some of the things you can get involved in.

Ask them about some intitaives and campaigns that have been organized by Guild members at your workplace.

Reach out to your Branch officials: Workplace directory >>

The Guild has an office of nearly 20 paid staff who work at the national office in Toronto, and in regional offices in Vancouver, Ottawa and Halifax

To reach out to the Guild staff, click here.


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